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Slim natural !

naturalSlim natural

When it comes to losing weight, everybody would do anything like how to get rid of unwanted pounds: medication, starvation, surgery, powders and shakes links instead of food, tea and pills “miracle”. And if possible, this process should happen in a very short time, otherwise the method is not good and move to the next.

Unfortunately, in this chaos no wonder how long were those filed kilograms, in most cases it is months or even years, but we ask the body to react back in days. If you read the prospectus carefully various products lost, we see that there are a number of serious adverse reactions that they have after administration: abdominal pain, tachycardia, headache, vomiting, nervousness, anxiety, seizures, hallucinations, hostile behavior, etc. . And then raise the question: how healthy is that the weaknesses of the proposed chemistry or offered by nature? It is obvious that chemical substances in products of weak components in artificially forcing the body to weaken. In this way the body and will try and mood and it will be very altered. In terms of natural things are more simple: a balanced nutrition, a little outdoor exercise, a healthy lifestyle, stress control are only a few items at all, which can ensure unwanted weight loss. In this sense, one thing is certain: the more we live closer to nature, we will even be healthy.

Weakening health, therefore, not result of a unique and infallible recipes. Addressing the weak, to be a natural concern and a number of crucial issues:

  Digestion must work impeccably, meaning that there is sufficient digestive enzymes to this process.

  Eliminating waste and fighting constipation – healthy man has at least one seat each day.

  Daily consumption of fresh water to maintain in perfect condition the functioning kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, which is essential to the poor.

  Movement in outdoor, active walking, running light stimulates cardiovascular system by Sweat eliminate toxins, and the general state of mind and memory is getting better.

  Maintaining the thyroid gland in good working order, iodine is the foremost in this regard. 

  Liver detoxification is essential because in liver fat is metabolized. Overweight people are generally busy and fatty liver, which contributes to the formation and Cellulite.

  Elimination diet of processed foods: fast food, fried food, grease, coffee, alcohol, sugar, milk nedegresate and carbonated drinks.

  As we consume more food coming (fruits, vegetables), much will be full of life, both on its own, as well as figuratively.

So there are two types of weight loss: one destructive and one natural. And why not choose the power of Nature and her wonderful ways to help us?

Fruits! The simplest way to lose weight healthy

There are a number of  foods or food groups on which experts in nutrition issued pros and cons theories, but when is comes to fruit, there was unanimity: the fruits are a rich source of health and energy and help to lose excess weight fast because they composition are vital nutrients that the body needs.

In addition, here are some reasons that we should stimulate the appetite for fruit: the most natural food, contain a large quantity of water which the body is much needed, are rich in fiber, stimulate memory, not containing LDL (bad cholesterol) prevent and cure a number of diseases and, last but not least, give you a good general condition after they consume

I often wonder what these actually contain fruit and what is their action at the level of our body. We will still refer to fruits that are in the market and supermaket throughout the year.
Apples – contain a large amount of soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamin C, beta-carotene (if you consume and bark), potassium and boron. Apples contain pectin and are part of the alkaline fruit. Regular consumption of apples can help lower cholesterol, prevent and treat constipation, arthritis, rheumatism, gout and stimulates immunity. 

Watermelon (red) contains 92% water and 8% sugar. Contains minerals (iron), vitamins and fiber. Due to high content or pure water helps to eliminate uric acid from the kidneys.

Oranges – are a rich source of vitamin C, sodium, flavonoids and pecten. Strengthen the defense of the body, and this vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, are considered fruit anticancerigene (block transformation and nitrate nitritilor in nitozamine, which are associated with the occurrence of stomach cancer), help to lower cholesterol, improve the structure of cellular walls and help maintain good circulation in the capillaries.
Plums – are rich in magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, fiber and iron. Prunes have a strong laxative effect, clean and liver detoxifica entire digestive system and are Immune-stimulating. Due to high content of phosphorus, diet plums are excellent results in improving brain.
Bananas – is a good source of potassium, vitamins and minerals, soluble fiber, are indicated in pediatric diets but also in the weak for that, and Satie is a low fat content. Potassium provided by regular consumption of bananas prevents Hypertension. Ripe bananas consumed a soothing effect by stimulating serotonin (hormone feeling well) and can improve sleep quality. They also are the perfect food to combat anemia.


Pectin – The new Revolutionary Losing Weight Treatment !

Pectin is a substances that help you to lose weight.
Among the species of fruits, the richest in pectin are: raspberries, apples, quinces, mulberry, horns, apricots and plums, cherries and pear.
Remove fat foods: cabbage, carrot, tomato, celery, garlic, onion, soup, broccoli, turkey, pepper, apple vinegar, olive oil, white pepper, fiber (vegetables and fresh fruit), apples, pears , berries, grapefruit, green tea, water paid, skimmed yogurt, oatmeal,  citrus.

I know I wrote citrus and fiber, namely fresh fruits and vegetables again, but they are actually the most healthy foods recommended to be consumed in our daily menu, by doctors. When eating a fruit or a vegetable means to eat health. The only fruit that is not recommended to be eaten daily, and even indicated to ferim him as much as possible, is avocado. This contains about 290 calories per 100 grams. Bananas are still some fresh fruit, have much fewer calories than avocados, about 90 calories per 100 grams.
Daily menu of a man should not be less than 1200 calories. This is the minimum calories needed a woman for a proper functioning of her body. However, daily consumption to no more than 2500 calories, is not indicated. About 2500 calories a day, consume active men, athletes, people who exercise a high in their work. Daily menu of a woman should only swing between calorific values of 1200, for sedentary women and 1800 calories for very active women.

However, we can maintain a normal rhythm of life and a healthy diet, and without calculate daily calories they consume. It is very difficult because we can not know for each food separately, they are calorific values of initial (without having undergone the process of roasting, boiling or baking). Just learn to eat slowly and thoroughly. And do not understand a table that was all “goodness” of the world, but a table that is just some food carefully selected and prepared from a long list of values of food, or not accepted by the physicians nutritionisti. However, you should listen to their advice, even in full. There are certain things that we can not fail, food that our body has become dependent and may be foods that are not so harmful to health.
But how can we do to get rid of them? Simple: everything is gradually get-gradually. Rome was not built in one day, as otherwise, neither the world!
In a banting not allowed to have consumed: fried foods, fats, sweets, dry beans, fresh fruit, fresh milk, carbonated drinks, etc. …
But that does not mean that we should definitely descotorosim them. And that, because when we give up banting, we weight back very quickly, starting to consume these foods as before the diet.
About sweets, or rather, what is meant by the word sweet, I will say a few things, namely: In our daily nutrition, we find sugar in 2 forms: glucose (sugar existing cookies and candy) and fructose (existing fruit sugar). The 2nd is the more appropriate it accordingly. In the first type of sugar, ie glucose, would be great if you could finally quit on him for all his life.