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12 tricks to get down your belly quick!

Don’t think you need a way to have “magic” that will get rid of the belly in a week. Why? Simply because they do not exist. There are few solutions:  a healthy diet and more sports.

You obviously do not need a scientific study to enlighten us as the most effective method to get rid of fat on the belly is to reduce the number of calories. Most fat is deposited on the belly and thighs, that is not exactly where you want.

1. Eat 4-6 small meals per day, but remember that these meals should be healthy and balanced to provide the necessary vitamins and minerals the body. Thus you and keeps the sugar in the blood to normal.

2. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily to remove toxins from the body.

3. Perform some physical exercises 3-5 times per week, some 20-30 minutes each time. Pick a sport which you enjoy (biking, lifting weights, walking, swimming) and keep up the “head” them as often as possible.

4. Avoid foods that contain sugar and coffeine, because they give you energy “false” and short.

Sugar energy can be, but it should be used immediately, if not, wake up with extra kilograms. So if you’re on the way to fitness or are moving to do better avoid sugar.

5. Walk do miracles, if becomes a habit. A useful tip is that after a square meal to walk a half hour.

6. Avoid alcohol, because the sugar affects the body. If you’re a big fan of beer, you better get limit.

7. Comply with a program of sleep and make sure enough sleep every night. If you are tired / of might feel the sensation of hunger more and more often.

8. Committed yourself in activities that can help you to relax at the end of a tiring days. Yoga or meditation would be an option. Or fill the tub with hot water, put a little lemon essential oil and wait a few minutes without you thinking about anything.

9. Reduce the number of hours spent watching TV. Statistics show that more than 90% of people who spend every day more than an hour in front of the TV fail to achieve their purpose when you started a diet plan.

10. Diets avoid “false” that you can make the body more harm than good.

11. If you are very hungry, choose better foods rich in fiber (oatmeal, fruit).

12. Muscles cross out! A useful exercise and easily applied at home: place a finger on the navel, pull your belly and tries to expire not strong when you do this. Stay in this position 5-10 seconds, then relax. After you perform this exercise you can grab and abdomen.

NEW treatment on how to Lose belly fat !

2Just half a day to win back flat stomach? Stay calm, you can get rid of bloating in record time. Here’s how:
Avoid Vegetables Prepare
Are you convinced that a plate of cooked vegetables will help keep under control bloating? Not always so. If you have a sensitive stomach or crossing a period of stress, you could even get side effects. So try to avoid cooked vegetables or eat them only in moderate quantities.
Free Lettuce!
Lettuce contains water and cause fermentation in the digestive system. Moreover, crude fiber stimulates intestinal circulation quickly and tummy ta pay will remain. 

Drink natural juices from fruits
Natural fruit juices are rich in water, mineral salts, vitamins and fiber content (present in whole fruit) which could cause you problems if you have a gut “jumpy”.

Trust in eggs
Consume three eggs at a table without anything else. Help you get a waist that does not contain fiber and saturate. It is however a strategy that you can use not only in exceptional cases, because of the dietary is not correct.
REMEMBER! Normally, you eat up to four eggs per week but not more than two per day.
To let you drink up, drink, drink. Morning, instead of film breakfast, thank you … just one and a half liter of water. Not usual morning drinking so much liquid? At least once you try to do a little effort. Will be quite tiring, but should not be drinking all the water in 5 minutes. An hour is enough: stay relaxed on the chair and Eat a little water, with patience and calm, to finish a bottle of water bill.