Lucylaplante's Blog

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Lose Weight with Sports

docSport and metabolism
It is very important to remember you’re not “stuck” in metabolism that you were born. In fact, you can control and change many things to “reactivate” the metabolism. One of the most effective ways is sport. In this way you can enjoy the full benefits of an active life.

Your body needs a minimum number of calories every day – the rate of metabolism bazal – to perform vital functions. Bazal metabolic rate (RMB) is the metabolism measured in terms of rest, normal temperature and eliminating all physical and psychological factors that produce excitation. This should be less than the number of calories burned during the day, it just in case you have not decided to stay in bed all day. At adult normal metabolic rate is an average of 70 kcal per hour.

There are many factors that influence RMB:

Age – RMB decreases with the passing of the years;
Height – RMB is higher in the highest;
Sex – RMB is higher in case of male;
Body Structure – RMB is higher in people with muscle developed;
Atmospheric temperature – RMB is built to excessive heat or cold;
Nutrition – RMB is lower in people who care banting;
Stress – RMB increase in periods of stress.

Exercise also accelerates the burning of calories. Main target of any effective program for keeping a weak metabolism is active, with every factor you can control. It is known that a fast metabolism “burns” more calories throughout the day compared with one slow. And as for the weak, you must “burn” more calories, a fast metabolism is in your favor!

Aerobic activity does not involve short “outbreak” of energy, but a long and moderate. Among non-aerobic types of activities are football, running speed, lifting weights and any other activity such as “stop and start.” The following list contains all aerobic activities beneficial to the body.
Effects of aerobic activity on the body and losing weight.
1. After 20 or 30 minutes of aerobic activity, your body will start burning the fat stores for energy; 
2. Strengthens heart;
3. Lowers blood pressure;
4. Improve physical strength;
5. Releasing hormones “happiness” as endorphins, reducing depression, improving mood.
How it helps the sport to lose weight?
If you are still skeptical regarding the operation of this program continues in that exercise is an important step in losing weight: accelerating the process of burning fats;
stretching exercises, besides burning calories and help to strengthen muscle mass;
Recent studies have shown that following a diet without sports, muscle tone is much hurt. Stretching exercises daily can prevent muscle from being atrophying, and in combination with a balanced diet your metabolism will be active!
Exercise slowed digestion and it helps to have a sense of “full stomach”, which means that you will not feel the need to eat so often. Also regulate blood glucose level and you will feel the sensation of hunger;
Improves mood;
Provides weight loss with lasting effects.

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