Lucylaplante's Blog

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Lose weight fast, but healthy !

If you want to fit a tight dress in May or you just want to get down a few kilograms, try our methods.

It’s amazing how easy pounds are deposited! After several dinners, after a stressful period in May or at the end of her constati that you gained. Stop wasting any day! As of less than weak, the sooner you will be back in form.

Nutritionists say 1 kg may be lost in two weeks, 2-3 kg in a month, and 5 kg, you need two months. Be patient! When it comes to figure, “quickly” does not mean ‘in less than no time.

A drastic diet not only bring you more and more kilograms. To face starvation, your metabolism will become slower. Once finished diet, you will immediately start to eat more, your metabolism in turn will not come as fast. You can get very fast weight loss because your body will not need the added heat.

Want to lose 1kg?
Your purpose is to eliminate 500 calories daily, controlling your nutrition strictly in next two weeks or starting a program of regular physical exercise.

Your Strategy

You should look at food, but forget it!

• Write your pocketbook in a where, when and why eat daily. To change your bad habits, you must first be aware of them. Overweight people tend to forget almost half of what it consumes.

• Do not let tempted! If you know the food at hand and always think about her, you’re about to lose the bet. Keep food in the cupboard or refrigerator and do not buy your biscuits, sweets, nuts or fries.

• Take mass only in the places that have this destination (for example, serves breakfast in the kitchen). When you’re at work, do not eat at your desk. Thus avoiding the risk that the mass of you remember to eat.

• Are you hard to change your eating habits? Then try to be more active. As you lose unwanted kg, walk or dance for 40-45 minute daily.

Want to lose 2 or 3 kg?
Your purpose is, for four weeks, eat every day with 500 calories less and doing more exercise, to weak in as fast as possible.

Your Strategy

Sports help you lose faster.

• Do more sports, so that lower calorie intake was not slow down your metabolism.

• smaller servings of your food. If, for example, lunch included the usual 200 grams of meat or from poor, now you have to thank for 100 g.

• Train yourself out at the gym or cycling in the park – in one hour, melt 500 calories, and even more, climb the hill. If you do not like to sweat, a two-hour ride on the road, the weekend means more than 1000 calories lost.

• Eliminate fat from the diet! Avoid chocolate and French fries, but fruits and vegetables. For dessert, try a fruit salad or something exotic like a mixture of chicory, oranges and skimmed yogurt. Cancel butter for the fat changing snack between meals with food poor in fat.

• Prepare for the moments in which you will resign and work havoc in the refrigerator. Rice, pasta, potatoes and vegetable soup, prepared in advance, portion, kept in the freezer and quickly heated dishes are light, you help you amagesti hunger. Drink skimmed milk only and avoid alcohol.

Want to lose 5kg or 4?
Your purpose: to reduce energy intake by 500 calories daily for eight-ten weeks. At first, you lose more than half a kilogram per week – the result of water removal.

Your Strategy

Small rewards will trigger.

• Method of losing weight you need to apply in this case is called fifty-fifty, meaning half of the excess kilograms il “burn” doing physical exercises, and the other half, reducing the number of calories in food. That means that 500 of those calories you need daily to lose half it will burn through exercise, and the other 250 exclusive of food.

• try to do sport almost every day. Once you get used to a regular program, will be easier to continue at a sustained pace, especially when you see your efforts begin to bear fruit. Even walking briskly for 30-60 minutes can help. For example, walk down one side of the road for work.

• Buy yourself a pedometer (you find in stores with sporting goods). It measures the speed of movement and distance covered.

• Fool your hunger consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drink water instead of juices or carbonated sweet drinks. Amount of water consumed daily should be between 1.5 and 2 liters (6-8 glasses that is). Is preferable to consume water instead of paying sparkling water. The latter may cause bloating and a slight increase in blood pressure.

• Do not skip breakfast. Transform it into one of the most important meal.

• A large portion of cereal (cornflakes or oats) with low fat content you away hunger until noon.

• rewards your efforts in the weeks going to hair, you cumparandu a cosmetic product or anything else besides food. You will autoimpulsiona and at the same time, you feel the lack of fat meals.

• Even if you like to eat in front of the TV or reading your favorite magazine, give up this habit. During the meal is good to focus only on what eat, not to say that the television you ispiteste crunch to all sorts of sweets, nuts, popcorn, which will give you a diet dish.

• Eat slowly, quietly, without you thinking about problems and worries of the day. Food should be chewed well so that digestion is easier.

And most importantly: If you really want a life without health problems do 15 minutes of sport per day, guarantee you will feel the difference after 10 days.
Run 15 minutes each day outside the park but not in the hall, and you will see what miracles can happen!

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